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Store interior design

Store interior design:


Phone number: 33332930 – 041   09223654069

Address: Tabriz, Valiasr, Atlas commercial Complex, 10th Floor, No. 16



store interior design is one of the most popular segments of interior and architectural design.

Due to market competitiveness and the great impact of the interior design of the store in creating attractiveness for their customers, and, as a result, more sales, the owners of store units spend a lot of money on the interior design.

Unfortunately, a lot in wastes in materials and costs and the final design lacks attractiveness, uniqueness and creativity. In addition to damaging the appearance of the city, it does not have a considerable effect on the sales of the shop, it can even be claimed to have the opposite effect in some cases.

It seems that the main problem in the store interior design is the incoherence of the factors of such projects.


Recommended project: ‌Black and White Mobile Store

In the interior design project of a store, the employer must clearly convey their needs and conditions to the architects and the design team. The interior design team must be creative and also consider the cost on the design with full knowledge, and create appropriate awareness of the conditions of the employer and the project itself. But these two are the minimum requirements for the success of an store interior design project.

Actually, the success of a store interior design project is established before the design and implementation, and at the time of planning the project. The design team and the employer are obliged to create a common concept, which all the steps of designing, equipping, advertising campaign and setting up the store will be based on, and also includes designing the showcase and designing the facade of the shop.

Experience shows that proper interior design and creating the appropriate identity makes customers who enter the store, feel the need to buy and trust, which causes a significant percentage of them make a purchase in the the store.


How to turn the store interior design into the strength of our store?

First shot, The entrance!
Depending on the size of the store, the 1.5 to 3.5 meter depth from the entrance is considered the store entrance. Customers and all the people arriving the store, make their first assumptions about the quality of the goods, price ranges, quality of the decoration, lighting, space distribution and etcetera, by obverving the entrance of the store.
In many store decoration design projects, the visitors get confused on the entry to the store, causing an extremely negative effect on the sales of the store. In store interior design in Tabriz, it should be thought out that what is the first image that’s portrayed to the visitor, and a lot of thought should be put in design of the decoration, lighting, furnishing and placements and pricing, so the first shot is fired at the customers eyes and heart with power and precision. Overall, all the interior design parameters should be used in store decoration design in Tabriz.

Power Wall

If you haven’t already finalized the place of your store entrance, stop!

If the entrance gives you the power so that the customers have a very strong view on their right side, it’s considered a good entrance. A study shows that in the US, 90% of the customers entering a store, immediately look at their right side or move in that direction. This is the reason the right side wall is called the Power Wall.
If you can showcase an attractive view of your products on the right wall or window, you can be sure that the customers will spend more time in the store and most probably, check out the products on the power wall that have more chance of getting sold.
In the “Radical” phone store interior design project, considering the entrance being on the right side, the design team decided to extend the design concept to the right wall and designed a third of the store with black color in a monochrome style.

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